محمد ليشوري

الرتبة: أستاذ بحث قسم “ب”

الفرقة: التحكم بالروبوتات عبر الصوت العربي

القسم: اللسانيات الحاسوبية

المنشورات العلمية

Lounnas, K., Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., Hamidi, M., Satori, H., & Teffahi, H. (2022). Enhancement of spoken digits recognition for under-resourced languages: case of Algerian and Moroccan dialects. International Journal of Speech Technology, 1-13.

المداخلات العلمية

Lounnas, K., Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., Chahboub, T., & Salmi, S. (2022). Towards an Automatic Dialect Identification System for Algerian Dialects Using YouTube Videos. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2022) (To be published).

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., & Lounnas, K. (2022). Statistical and Neural Techniques for Arabic Dialects Identification using Parallel and Non Parallel Corpora. International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications 2022 (ISIA’22), M’sila, Algeria (To be published).

Lichouri, M., Lounnas, K., Djeradi, R., & Djeradi, A. (2022). Performance of End-to-End vs Pipeline Spoken Language Understanding Models on Multilingual Synthetic Voice. The 5th Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE’22), Constantine, Algeria. IEEE, 2022. p. 1-6.

Lounnas, K., Lichouri, M., and Abbas, M. (2022). Analysis of the Effect of Audio Data Augmentation Techniques on Phone Digit Recognition For Algerian Arabic Dialect. The 5th Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE’22), Constantine, Algeria. IEEE, 2022. p. 1-5.

Lounnas, K., Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., Teffahi, H., Hamidi, M., & Satori, H. (2021). A Transfer Learning Approach For Identifying Spoken Maghrebi Dialects. The 2nd international conference on Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ESAI’21), Fes, Morocco (To be published).

Hamidi, M., & Satori, H, Zealouk,O, Lounnas, K., Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., & Teffahi,H. (2021). Mixed ASR System for Amazigh and Arabic Under-Resourced Dialects in Maghreb Region, The 2nd international conference on Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ESAI’21), Fes, Morocco (To be published).

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., Benaziz, B., Zitouni, A., & Lounnas, K. (2021, April). Preprocessing solutions for detection of sarcasm and sentiment for arabic. In Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 376-380).

Lichouri, M.,  Abbas, M., Lounnas, K., Benaziz, B., & Zitouni, A. (2021, April). Arabic dialect identification based on a weighted concatenation of tf-idf features. In Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 282-286).

Lichouri, M., & Abbas, M. (2020, December). SpeechTrans@ SMM4H’20: Impact of preprocessing and n-grams on Automatic Classification of Tweets that Mention Medications. In Proceedings of the Fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task (pp. 118-120).

Lichouri, M., & Abbas, M. (2020, December). Simple vs oversampling-based classification methods for fine grained arabic dialect identification in twitter. In Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 250-256).

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., & Benaziz, B. (2020). Profiling fake news spreaders on twitter based on tfidf features and morphological process. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 2696).

Hadjadji, I., Falek, L., Lounnas, K., & Lichouri, M. (2020, December). Enhancement of the interlocutor emotion recognition rate from non-professionals speakers in Arabic database. In 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science (ICECOCS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Zitouni, A., Falek, L., Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., & Lounnas, K. (2020, December). Analysis of the Influence of the Arabic Fricatives Vocalic Context on Their Spectral Parameters. In International Conference on Computing Systems and Applications (pp. 255-264). Springer, Cham.

Lounnas, K., Satori, H., Hamidi, M., Teffahi, H., Abbas, M., & Lichouri, M. (2020, April). CLIASR: a combined automatic speech recognition and language identification system. In 2020 1st international conference on innovative research in applied science, engineering and Technology (IRASET) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., Benaziz, B., & Freihat, A. A. (2019). ST NSURL 2019 Shared Task: Semantic Question Similarity in Arabic. In Proceedings of The First International Workshop on NLP Solutions for Under Resourced Languages (NSURL 2019) co-located with ICNLSP 2019-Short Papers (pp. 80-84).

Lounnas, K., Abbas, M., & Lichouri, M. (2019, September). Building a speech corpus based on Arabic podcasts for language and dialect identification. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (pp. 54-58).

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., Djeradi, R., & Djeradi, A. (2019, September). An Arabic Multi-Domain Spoken Language Understanding System. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (pp. 49-53).

Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., & Zeggada, A. (2019, September). Classification of Arabic Poems: from the 5th to the 15th Century. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (pp. 179-186). Springer, Cham.

Abbas, M., Lichouri, M., & Freihat, A. A. (2019, August). St madar 2019 shared task: Arabic fine-grained dialect identification. In Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 269-273).

Lichouri, M., Djeradi, R., Djeradi, A., & Abbas, M. (2019, March). Towards a Portable SLU System Applied to MSA and Low-resourced Algerian Dialects. In International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (pp. 576-585). Springer, Cham.

Lounnas, K., Abbas, M., Teffahi, H., & Lichouri, M. (2019, March). A language identification system based on voxforge speech corpus. In International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (pp. 529-534). Springer, Cham.

Lichouri, M., Abbas, M., Freihat, A. A., & Megtouf, D. E. H. (2018). Word-level vs sentence-level language identification: Application to algerian and arabic dialects. Procedia Computer Science, 142, 246-253.

عباس ,م .ليشوري ,م. و مقطوف ,ض. التكنولوجيات الحديثة ودورها في تعليم اللغات الأجنبية: تطبيق على اللغات العربية والصينية والتركية. مقال في الملتقى الوطني حول اللغة العربية والتقانات الجديدة، سبتمبر 2018.

ليشوري, م.  عباس ,م.  مقطوف ,ض. التمييز الآلي بين اللغة العربية و لهجاتها: خطوة إلى الأٔمام. مقال في الملتقى الوطني حول اللغة العربية والتقانات الجديدة، سبتمبر 2018.

عباس ,م .ليشوري ,م. و مقطوف ,ض. نظام آلي للترجمة من اللغات الأجنبية إلى العربية و المازيغية. الملتقى الوطني حول التعايش اللغوي في الجزائر بين العربية والمازيغية في ظل التعديل الدستوري الجديد، نوفمبر 2018.

محمد ليشوري ومراد عباس وضياء الحق مقطوف، التحويل الآلي للكتابة المازيغية من اللاتينية إلى العربية.الملتقى الوطني حول التعايش اللغوي في الجزائر بين العربية والمازيغية في ظل التعديل الدستوري الجديد، نوفمبر 2018.

محمد ليشوري ومراد عباس، نحو نظام فهم آلي للغة المنطوقة تطبيق على اللغة العربية واللهجات الجزائرية. مقال في الملتقى الوطني حول اللغة العربية و التقانات الحديثة، 18 ديسمبر 2018