+213 (0) 23 18 00 95 contact@crstdla.dz


The project concerns the adaptation of the Khomsi test to the examination of academic Arabic language skills in cycle 3 of primary school. It involves adapting a khomsi test to examine school skills.

“Examination of School Skills -Cycle 3, Khomsi” from French to Arabic. This test aims to detect children with learning disabilities by assessing their basic academic skills in reading, writing, mathematics and comprehension. It concerns the children of the second and third cycles of primary school (the second cycle concerns the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, the third cycle concerns the fifth year).  In the final phase, we will implement this test into a computer program.

Project goals:

  • Contribution to enrich the tools of diagnosis and treatment of children with learning disabilities.
  • Creating modern means to develop the acquisition of basic skills of the Arabic speaking children.
  • Providing a screening test in the early detection of learning disabilities in Arabic.