Rooting the linguistic reseach in the vision of Abderrahmane Hadj Salah

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Mohamed Kamel Belekhouane


Professeur Abderrahmane Hadj Salah’s research in linguistics extended to the
different issues raised by research in Arabic linguistics, in all its cognitive and
methodological interactions.
The researcher meditating in his linguistic success finds a complete scientific
project, the beginning of which relates to the origin of research in language sciences
from the reading, the understanding and the revival of the heritage. This is also the
case when it comes to the return to Western linguistic production.
It is ultimately a reference to sources in relation to linguistic knowledge and
with all that could alter it during its evolutionary courses as concepts imposed by
sectarian conflicts and intellectual currents. This is what helped to establish the
heritage legacy concepts inherent in Abderrahmane Hadj Salah.

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How to Cite
Belekhouane, M. K. (2018). Rooting the linguistic reseach in the vision of Abderrahmane Hadj Salah. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(2), 59-83.


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