The acoustic caracteristics of Libyan dialect: Diwan “win tejbedi li fet” of Omar Saqr Errojbeni as a model

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Mounir Messii
Razik Bouzghaia


This study is concerned with describing the sound characteristics of the
Libyan dialect in the level of linguistic performance, which is reflected in
one of the audio collections of the Libyan poet Omar Sakr Arrojbani. It
analyzes the point of articulation of sounds in this dialect, and the different
positions of the articulatory organs; the comparison all the above features
of the classical Arabic and its characteristics of pronunciation.

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How to Cite
Messii, M., & Bouzghaia, R. (2019). The acoustic caracteristics of Libyan dialect: Diwan “win tejbedi li fet” of Omar Saqr Errojbeni as a model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(2), 177-193.


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