Knowledge and skills necessary for taking notes

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Dehbia Beddek


Taking notes is, in its conception, a technique that enables the university learner to acquire new knowledge. It is generally used in a lecture in which the task of the student primarily depends on the listening of a sound message then its written reproduction under the form of notes ; thus, the student will distinguish the main or the most important message while highlighting, at the macro-structural level, the strong «moments» (definitions, explanations, demons-trations…), and while working, at the macro-structural level, on the diaphonic elements (causal relations, methods…). Therefore, it will be question of making the learners aware of the acoustic, lexical signs,... In brief, all that can enhance the important character of what is said. The student will have to know how to take his notes by sorting them among all that was said and to follow a whole set of methodological instructions for a good and exhaustive notes taking.

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How to Cite
Beddek, D. (2007). Knowledge and skills necessary for taking notes. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 71-78.


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