Linguistic differences in modern Arabic: an extrapolation through a blog study

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Ahmed Abd elali


The Arabic common history plays a major role in the standardization of the written language from the Gulf to the Ocean , but during the last century , some linguistic differences emerged and contributed to the division of that area to many countries and determined regions.It is evident that the value of any research is based on its, references  and bibliography.Thus, to delimit and study this phenomenon , we have exploited the daily newspapers as a principzl reference for the study of the language used only in a specific field or among a given community inside the society.

The importance of this research consists on its applications in computing , recovery systems , search tools and computer based-machine translation.And as these applications are based on the written language , the least modification in the form has an effect on them applications and their efficiency.

This paper deals with the language status nowadays and examines the linguistic differences at the level of dictation , use , translation, etc.

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How to Cite
Abd elali, A. (2006). Linguistic differences in modern Arabic: an extrapolation through a blog study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 11(2), 79-92.


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