Outline of an Hpsg Grammar for Arabic

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Mahmoud Fawzi Mammeri
Hamid Azzoune
Zoheir Zemirli


The present work sketches a new HPSG grammar for Arabic. In what follows, we are going to describe a fragment of this grammar. It will be question, on the one hand, to specify the different components of this grammar, that is to say its dominance immediate schemata, its principles, and a thought on its future lexicon. It is also question, on the other hand, to think every time the context requires it, on the future extensions and the problems that are bound to it. The analyses that we will present, are be part of a project, which we initiated in the CRSTDLA for the development of an electronic grammar of Arabic, which will be implemented on the grammar development platform LKB.

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How to Cite
Mammeri, M. F., Azzoune, H., & Zemirli, Z. (2006). Outline of an Hpsg Grammar for Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 11(2), 65-82. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v11i2.321


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