Automatic Speech Recognition Errors Detection And Correction: A Review

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Rahhal Errattahi
Asmaa El Hannani
Hassan Ouahmane


Even though Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has matured to the point of commercial applications, high error rate in some speech recognition domains remain as one of the main impediment factors to the wide adoption of speech technology, and especially for continuous large vocabulary speech recognition applications. The persistent presence of ASR errors have intensified the need to find alternative techniques to automatically detect and correct such errors. The correction of the transcription errors is very crucial not only to improve the speech recognition accuracy, but also to avoid the propagation of the errors to the subsequent language processing modules such as machine translation. In this paper, basic principles of ASR evaluation are first summarized, and then the state of the current ASR errors detection and correction research is reviewed. We focus on emerging techniques using word error rate metric.


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How to Cite
Errattahi, R., El Hannani, A., & Ouahmane, H. (2016). Automatic Speech Recognition Errors Detection And Correction: A Review. AL-Lisaniyyat, 22(2), 40-43.


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