An Ontology for the Arabic Lexicon

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Noureddine Doumi
Ahmed Lehireche


As part of the KalimNet project recently launched in the EDISL laboratory – Department of Computer Science – UM University. of SBA, a proposal is envisaged to create an Arabic lexical base in the form of an ontology. The objective is to organize the Arabic lexicon in the form of a hierarchy of concepts cc which will result in a conceptual dictionary usable by the machine (machine readable dictionary) such dictionaries are required in automatic natural language processing systems as lexical knowledge base, and in general are required in the Semantic Web project An to achieve interoperability between software agents of information systems under web. Lexical databases for other languages have and have already been produced and marketed. That of WordNet produced at Princeton University NJ-USA for English. EuroWordNet for European languages.

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How to Cite
Doumi, N., & Lehireche, A. (2011). An Ontology for the Arabic Lexicon. AL-Lisaniyyat, 17(2), 13-17.


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