Phylogenetic generation of simple nouns in the Arabic language

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Omar Mehdioui


This research falls within the framework of what has come to be called today “Arabic Language Engineering,” which aims to open a scientific dialogue between the computer, its applications, and the Arab human being through the Arabic language as a natural language capable of automated processing. This will only be achieved by deepening the serious and fruitful discussion of the basic issues. Which are presented by computer processing of the Arabic linguistic system at all its levels: morphological, syntactic, semantic, lexical, and rhetorical, such as automatic generation, automatic analysis, automatic text curation, automatic knowledge retrieval, automatic translation, automatic understanding of texts, automatic text recognition, Visual recognition of Arabic linguistic features, speech synthesis and structure.

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How to Cite
Mehdioui, O. (2011). Phylogenetic generation of simple nouns in the Arabic language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 17(2), 32-44.


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