Evaluation of VoIP Speech Recognition with Packet Loss Concealment

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Adil Bakri
Abderrahmane Amrouche


To increase the robustness of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) on the IP network (VoIP), we propose in this article the use of packet loss concealment (PLC: Packet Loss Concealment). This method consists of generating a synthetic voice signal intended to replace the missing data, ensuring a smooth transition between the real signal and the synthetic signal. Thus, in this work we have adapted the ITU-I G711 Appendix I recommendation to the G729 codec. For the speech recognition part, we implemented the open source HTK (Hidden Markov Models ToolKit) system, while the packet loss is simulated by a two-state Markov model. The experimental results with speech transcoded with the G729 codec used in VoIP networks show a significant improvement in the recognition rate with the packet loss masking method developed, thus supporting the approach followed in this work.

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How to Cite
Bakri, A., & Amrouche, A. (2014). Evaluation of VoIP Speech Recognition with Packet Loss Concealment. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v20i1.500


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