Comparative Study Between Voice Recognition Libraries

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Hamza Frihia
Halima Bahi


The availability of speech recognition tools with their modular architecture and open source allows researchers and programmers to implement and test new algorithms. These features facilitate the development of powerful automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. In practice, different toolboxes have been used for the creation of speech recognition systems on any language, we cite: HTK, sphinx, Kaldi, ASR from Matlab and java speech... To answer the question: what is the best library, we want to make a comparison between the most used libraries HTK and sphinx and Matlab applied for the recognition of isolated words and continuous sentences, while transmitting our experience.

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How to Cite
Frihia, H., & Bahi, H. (2014). Comparative Study Between Voice Recognition Libraries. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 35-42.


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