Homogeneity Test Based Voice Activity Detection

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Ouahbi Rekik
Mustapha Djeddou


In this paper a new approach for voice activity detection (VAD) is proposed. This technique is based on homogeneity test of two autoregressive (AR) processes; each one models a speech window and involves the measure of a defined distance. The homogeneity test is formulated as a hypothesis test with a threshold derived analytically according to a userdefined false-alarm probability. Results using Aurora database shows the effectiveness of the proposed technique compared to other methods and standards

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How to Cite
Rekik, O., & Djeddou, M. (2014). Homogeneity Test Based Voice Activity Detection. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 77-85. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v20i1.506


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