Configuration of Cavities and Acoustic Values of Formants of the Vowel /a/ in Pharyngal and Emphatic Context: Correlative Study

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Tassadit . Djebali-haouche


This work focuses on the dynamic description of the articulatory mode of the pharyngeals and occlusive emphatics of the phonetic system of the Arabic language. These phonemes are placed in the vowel context of /a/ and distributed in three positions, namely: initial, inter-vowel and final. A correlation between the shape of the cavities and the acoustic aspect of the different phonemes will be established; in order to identify the specificities of each category. These consonants have a notable effect on the F1 of vowels; this effect is attributed to the transfer of the root of the tongue towards the pharyngeal wall. The configuration of the pharyngeal cavity is highlighted using cine radiography used in this research.

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How to Cite
Djebali-haouche, T. . (2014). Configuration of Cavities and Acoustic Values of Formants of the Vowel /a/ in Pharyngal and Emphatic Context: Correlative Study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 167-173.


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