Arrangement and definition of entries in the Al-Ghani Al-Zahir dictionary

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Amina Aderdour


Lexicography is generally based on two basic steps : collection of the data or
what is called the lexical corpus and the treatment of lexical entries. This last point
leads us necessarily to talk about the classification of entries and how these latter are
defined in the dictionary.
In this paper, we are interested in these two questions in al-Ghani al-Zahir
dictionary (2013) of Abou al-Aazm.
This presentation aims at studying and evaluating the methodology regarding
the order of entries and the definitions assigned to these entries in the dictionary
in question.

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How to Cite
Aderdour, A. (2014). Arrangement and definition of entries in the Al-Ghani Al-Zahir dictionary. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 115-132.


full text p.132