Role of the Arabic "maqamat" technique of psalmody of the Holy Quran in retrieving and improving sound of patients with organic dysphonia
Main Article Content
The aim of the study is to recover and improve the patient's voice with organic dysphonia, using a
new technique: the Arabic "maqamat". This "maqamat" are: al-saba, al-nahawand, al-ajam, albayati, al-sika, al-hijaz, al-rast and al-Kurd, which are used in psalmody of the Holy Quran. This
technique is similar to the treatment protocol used by the French doctor "" François LEHUCHE for
the treatment of vocal disorders and has the same approach of the protocol therapy mentioned
above. The difference between the two techniques concerns the counting exercise, the calling
exercise and the singing voice exercise. The letters of the alphabet and some verses from the Holy
Quran have been included. To show the improvement of the patient's voice thanks to this
technique, we used the PRAAT computer software, which allows extracting the values and curves of
the acoustical characteristics of the patient's voice. This allows us to determine whether or not the
patient's voice has improved after the therapy sessions.
Article Details
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