Neurolinguistics between cognitive intersection and terminological -From the chaos of the beginning to the problem of terminological overlap-

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Aicha Ouggad


Neurolinguistics is one of the most important contemporary studies in which different sciences intersect, such as mathematics, cognitive psychology, linguistics and neurology, constituting a contact between them that merges under a cognitive tendency and concepts and principles superimposed. This study is one of the modern branches associated with linguistic theories, taking a mathematical orientation, such as axis theory, to interpret linguistic structures according to the requirements of the mind and its intellect. The latter leads towards mental imagination based on the computer representation of the mind as an interactive center of several overlapping knowledges to achieve the understanding of human perceptions and thinking, which artificial intelligence seeks to emulate. Thus, in this research paper, we focused our attention on the problem of terminological overlap between neuroscience and other sciences, and we tried to demonstrate the importance of mathematics in the construction of neurolinguistic programming, while clarifying the role of mathematics in building electronic brains with a linguistic dimension.

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How to Cite
Ouggad, A. (2024). Neurolinguistics between cognitive intersection and terminological -From the chaos of the beginning to the problem of terminological overlap-. AL-Lisaniyyat, 30(1), 46-59.


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