Epistemic discourse analysis of Imam Ali(p) addressed to imam Al Hassan based on Theoretical discussion

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Ansih Khaz ali
Meriem Mirzakhani


Language is an important method for the transfer of experiences and
the understanding of the teachers and the influence of others. The letter
reveals the characteristics of the text and its meanings, and shows the
extent of the influence of language and the level of harmony of the unit
studied language. The approach of rhetoric as one of the religious books,
has a high literary value including a number of speeches, The study
examines the original and subsidiary functions and how they are linked by
the mechanisms and tools of harmony and consistency. The results refer
to the relationship between the father and the son in the knowledge of the
belief in the description of those who desire the religion and then draw
the road and wanted by his son where he goes to the right of death and
readiness and moral knowledge is concerned with the removal of despair
and disappointment of the address and repentance to punish the punishment
of God more than prove his forgiveness. In these great tips, influence on
the interlocutor and the abundance of tools Harmony refers to the interest
of the Imam (p) in knowledge and influence on his speech. The approach
followed by the research is the descriptive-analytical approach.

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How to Cite
Khaz ali, A., & Mirzakhani, M. (2018). Epistemic discourse analysis of Imam Ali(p) addressed to imam Al Hassan based on Theoretical discussion. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 167-200. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v24i1.76


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