The scientific dictionary and its scientific and technical conditions

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Abderrahmane Hadj Saleh


This study deals with the scientific characteristics that the elaboration of language dictionaries must present. The distinction between the highly diffused terms and hapax is a condition that is genetally neglected. This is the case of old and modern Arab dictionnaries (unlike Sibawayh who took care of pointing out the use extension of the cited expressions) . This requires us to take a representative corpus of the actual use of language from which we can extract every information necessarily obligatory like the use extension, the frequency and above all the different meanings of the term that we can infer from the contexts contained within the " words files" that are put at the disposal of the authors of the dictionary.

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How to Cite
Hadj Saleh, A. (2006). The scientific dictionary and its scientific and technical conditions. AL-Lisaniyyat, 11(2), 15-28.

