Reconnaissance Des Commandes Vocales D'un Robot Mentor Dans Un Environnement Bruite A Base Hmm

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Fatima Khenfer Koummich
Larbi Mesbahi
Fatiha Hendel


This article presents a basic application on the Markov cache models (HMM -Hidden Markov Model-), applying to the mots of command type robot. But it is permissible for an operator to command a robot mentor to execute touch screens of the type of tourer, editor or fermer, etc. This touch can be used to calculate different areas of the environment. This will be applied to the isolated mots that respond to robot commands in different languages: French and Arabic. The reconnaissance text appears in the same languages as the new parole. Néanmoins, it is a different language that makes a profit from the Arabic language when a white bruit is eaten, with a Rapport Signal in Bruit (RSB) that is equal to 30dB, on the next page of reconnaissances of 69% and 80% in French. And the Arabs respectively. This can be expanded by the context phone capacity of the language to contain the influence of the environment.

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How to Cite
Khenfer Koummich, F., Mesbahi, L., & Hendel, F. (2014). Reconnaissance Des Commandes Vocales D’un Robot Mentor Dans Un Environnement Bruite A Base Hmm. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 9-17.


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