Low and Very Low Throughput Linear Prediction Coding (lpc)

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Mohamed Saidi
Leila Falek
Bachir Boudraa


In this work, we have given a presentation briefly on these two coders CELP and MELP. First of all, our objective was to first clarify the general notions of low and very low bandwidth speech coding. Second, synthesize speech with good perception with these two coders in order to compare speech synthesis at low and very low bit rates. For this, we used the two encoders which operate at 4.8 kbps for CELP and 2.4 kbps for MELP

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How to Cite
Saidi, M., Falek, L., & Boudraa, B. (2014). Low and Very Low Throughput Linear Prediction Coding (lpc). AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 119-126. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v20i1.510


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