Illocutionary dimension of interrogation in the holy Quran: an analysis through Abu al-Saoud's exegesis
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This research explores a pivotal aspect of speech acts, specifically the interrogative mode, which constitutes a significant requestive act in Arabic rhetoric. It aligns with directive speech acts within the scope of pragmatics, transitioning from mere informative expression to an illocutionary act that engenders an illocutionary force contingent upon the context. Its importance in dialogue, argumentation, and the potential to influence the recipient is profound. Additionally, this study endeavors to create a synthesis between the rich linguistic heritage of ancient Arabic and the theoretical frameworks of contemporary Western linguistics.
The primary objective of this research is to uncover the illocutionary dimension embedded in the interrogatives of the Holy Quran, as interpreted by Abu al-Saoud in his work "Irshad al-Aql al-Salim ila Mazaya al-Kitab al-Hakim" (The Guidance of the Sound Mind to the Virtues of the Holy Book). This exegesis, rich in rhetorical applications, pays close attention to communicative intents and purposes, highlighting the pragmatic practices within. The investigation reveals the intrinsic illocutionary force necessitated by the use of interrogatives and delves into Abu al-Saoud's approach to pragmatic exegesis.
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