L’approche par compétences et sa relation avec la compatibilité scolaire des élèves de cinquième année primaire du point de vue des enseignants (étude sur terrain)


Hamza Berkat


The study aimed to identify the approach to competencies and its
relationship with academic compatibility among students of the fifth
year of primary school from the teachers’ point of view, as the researcher
relied on a sample consisting of 70 teachers from primary school teachers
depending on the characteristic of experience and used a questionnaire of
three dimensions and 28 paragraphs where the results were as follows:
There are no statistically significant differences between teachers
opinions regarding the approach to competencies and academic excellence
among fifth elementary pupils according to experience at an error level of
There are statistically significant differences between teachers opinions
regarding the approach to competencies with academic excellence among
fifth elementary pupils according to experience.
There are statistically significant differences between teachers opinions
regarding the approach to competencies in organizing time for fifth
elementary pupils according to experience.


Comment citer
Berkat, H. (2021). L’approche par compétences et sa relation avec la compatibilité scolaire des élèves de cinquième année primaire du point de vue des enseignants (étude sur terrain). AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(1), 357-377. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v27i1.138


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