The lexical culture of the learners Reasons for its weakness and means of its development

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Salima Ben meddour


The lexical culture is basic for the learners as it help provide the
necessary skills that allow them to use a dictionary in the learning process.
A dictionary is necessary for learners in different levels but in reality
learners show lack of lexical culture and limited use of dictionaries.
Therefore, in this article, we try to investigate the reasons for the
weakness of the lexical culture (lexical awareness) among learners,
highlighting the means to ensure its development and advancement to the
desired level, after defining the concept of lexical culture and highlighting
its importance for the reader and the learner, and defining the role of the
school dictionary in learning the Arabic language, And the great services
it provides to the learner.

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How to Cite
Ben meddour, S. (2021). The lexical culture of the learners Reasons for its weakness and means of its development. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(1), 405-434.


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