University student competencies in the Arabic language: a linguistic and educational study

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Oualid Ahmed Al Anati


This research represents a project to measure the linguistic proficiency in Arabic of the number of Arab university students, and it is based on a motive, purpose, and measures. The motive is the failure of Arab students at the university level to achieve the minimum proficiency requirements. As for the goal, it is to develop a personalized model detailing the competencies that these students should obtain. As for the measures, it is to create a comprehensive book based on the guidance of these competencies, and to teach it according to the requirements of each competency, provided that the book is suitable for teaching in all Arab countries.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to develop a comprehensive test that measures the student’s achievement of these competencies, so that they represent them qualitatively, not quantitatively. The project represents the skills of reading and writing qualitatively and writing as an initial and training starting point for the skills of listening and speaking, with the exercises and procedures included in the book that facilitate this. Rather, we issue all of this from purely linguistic visions: psychological, cognitive, social, and educational.

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How to Cite
Al Anati, O. A. (2007). University student competencies in the Arabic language: a linguistic and educational study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 45-86.


see the full text p.83-p.86