What methodologies are chosen for research on educational literature? An attempt at classification and exploratory looks

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Jean-louis Divay
Meftah Ben Arous
Taher Loucif


In this article, J. L. Davey presents aspects of the current methodological thinking among those working with educational literature, as it is a new field in which research is still exposed to methodological ambiguity, the clarity of which requires the combined efforts of all actors in the educational process. To address this, the article aims to introduce the teaching of literature, the justifications for teaching literature, the characteristics of the literary material, its components, the diversity of its data, and the knowledge that contributes to its construction and establishment among learners.

Without neglecting to present the dialectical relationship between reading, writing, and literature, as it is a relationship that leads to discussing the problem of the literary phenomenon in application, methodological knowledge, and exploitation in education on the other hand. In addition, Devay surveyed the current research studies related to teaching literature, noting the methodological deficiency that affected most of them, proposing an alternative through some projects and research that could be established for teaching literature.

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How to Cite
Divay, J.- louis, Ben Arous, M., & Loucif, T. (2007). What methodologies are chosen for research on educational literature? An attempt at classification and exploratory looks. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 123-147. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v12i2.199


see the full text p.144-p.145