From Calque to Syntactic Borrowing: The Agentive Passive in Standard Arabic

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Loubana Mouchaweh


In this study, we are interested in particular in the phenomenon of the passive in Standard Arabic (SA). We will start by examining its semantic value and its syntactic particularities compared to those of the French passive which seem to us at the origin of the difficulties confronted in the Arabic translation of the French agentive passive.

 We will argue that the agent notion is strictly limited to the lexical feature (+human) in (SA), and that the passive in classical standard Arabic (CSA) is primarily non agentive by the very fact that it is (-human).

 We will support finally that the agentive passive in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) concerns the phenomenon of the syntactic borrowing. It is probably generated by the latent but persistent influence of the translation of the English and French corresponding structures.

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How to Cite
Mouchaweh , L. (2007). From Calque to Syntactic Borrowing: The Agentive Passive in Standard Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 37-61.


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