Tests for identifying vertices: Applications to the Arabic nominal compound

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Mahoud faouzi Mammeri


This study aims to verify an important assumption in the Arabic noun phrase lexicalist
analysis, which claims the noun as the only head of the phrase. To confirm this assumption,
we make use of a set of criteria known as ‘Zwicky criteria for headedness’.
To analyze headedness in the Arabic noun phrase, we have considered three instances: [al-
]+N, Adj+N, and N1+N2. This study will contribute in the Arabic noun phrase analysis
within the framework of contemporary syntactic theories and especially endocentric - in
endocentric grammars, nominal phrase analysis requires the knowledge of the head
element from which are determined all (or most) of the features used in the analysis - and
lexicalist grammars -according to the ideas of the lexicalist hypothesis, the syntax cannot
manipulate nor have an access to the internal form of words.

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How to Cite
Mammeri, M. faouzi. (2020). Tests for identifying vertices: Applications to the Arabic nominal compound. AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 276-296. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v26i2.243


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