The automatic translation of collocations in the novel "what do wolves dream" of Yasmina Khadra, Google's automatic translator as a model

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Chaima Djaleb
Khlifa Sahraoui


The phenomenon of collocations is one of the linguistic problems facing machine translation because its translation requires a thorough understanding of the links between two languages and two different cultures, as in many literary writings, particularly in the novel. Our study deals with the translation of some collocations of Yasmina Khadra's novel "What do wolves dream about" from French to Arabic according to Google translation, indicating the success rate and failure of the translation process, as well as the most important solutions resulting In this study, the need to endow the computer with lexicons collocations, as well as the need to cooperate between the human translator and the computer to achieve the ideal translation of this linguistic phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Djaleb, C., & Sahraoui, K. (2020). The automatic translation of collocations in the novel "what do wolves dream" of Yasmina Khadra, Google’s automatic translator as a model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 308-317.


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