Evaluation of central auditory disorders in adults Arabics speaker
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Central auditory processing disorders (CAPD) affect auditory after brain injury. They interfere with
oral communication and explain why CAPD constitute a real handicap in daily life.
AIRTAC2 is a software that allows evaluation and rehabilitation of CAPD after brain injury. We
realized the standardization of AIRTAC2, for lack of tool in the Algerian clinical environment. The
122 participants in our study were men and women aged between 20 and more than 60. divided
according to age, gender and level of study
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How to Cite
Bouteraa, I. (2020). Evaluation of central auditory disorders in adults Arabics speaker . AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 318-332. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v26i2.246
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