Confidence in Radio Interaction: Case of the Algiers Channel 3 “traffic jams” program

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Kahina Bellil


This research has for theme the confidence in the radio verbal interactions ex- tracted from the broadcast "Traffic jams" of Algiers chain 3. It has for objective to contribute to the exploration of this theme in the vast field of the analysis of the radio verbal interactions in Algerian context. The conducted study revealed that the emergence of the confidence in this broadcast comes true either by the- matic sliding, or by thematic discontinuity. In the case of the thematic continui- ty, the opening of the theme of the confidence is taken care by the speaker who confides, but in the case of the thematic discontinuity, it is taken care by the presenter. The fence of the theme of the confidence is always taken care by the presenter and the processes used to make it are the ones used for the fence of the themes generally.

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How to Cite
Bellil, K. (2017). Confidence in Radio Interaction: Case of the Algiers Channel 3 “traffic jams” program. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(2), 31-55.


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