Voice and language

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Mostefa Harkat


In this article, we address the concept of speech as a continuous vibrating sound wave over time, and we introduce language as a system of communication between humans that can be divided and synthesized, looking at what the ancients wrote down and what the laboratory presents today. Then we turn to the linguistics of the written, the linguistics of the spoken, the issue of prosody, and the relationship of the letter to the movement to conclude the problem of the Arabic text being devoid of movements, the impact of this on the learning of young people, and the difficulties that the computer faces regarding them, despite the fact that Arabic writing is very close to phonetic writing. Then we conclude the article by addressing the colloquial language and its phonetic system, as well as mentioning some topics worthy of attention and research.

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How to Cite
Harkat, M. (2015). Voice and language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 21(1), 2-9. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v21i1.292


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