Dynamic pronunciation and physical formation, soft vowel letters with fatha as an example

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Tassadit Haouech


The first Arab linguists laid the foundation stone for the science of phonetics and presented the first features of this multi-branched and diverse science. The purpose of this phonetic lesson was to explain the phonetic phenomena resulting from phonetic connection and juxtaposition, which are inevitably subject to harmony and approval in pronunciation. Our research has a relationship with physics, as it describes the sounds of the register from the physical side after analyzing them in the laboratory, and it has a relationship with the anatomical side, as it explains the physiology of what resulted in the physical analysis, and through the dynamic description of the organs of speech, we will find some answers to support what the first Arab linguists reached in their description of the structure of the word in terms of harmony. Voice.

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How to Cite
Haouech, T. (2015). Dynamic pronunciation and physical formation, soft vowel letters with fatha as an example. AL-Lisaniyyat, 21(1), 21-34. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v21i1.296


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