The problem of the scientific term in its placement or use

Main Article Content

Saleh Belaid


The present paper studies and analyses the subject ofthe scientific terminology
and the appreciable place that it occupies nowadays in the universities as well as the
different institutions. In addition to that, the article discusses the various views that
contend for the subject ofthe scientific terminology and it classifies them as following:
Immoderate, simplifying and moderate.
The first view considers that the principles of arabic neology do not reflect all the
diversity ofthe arabic language's specificity. As for the second point of view, the problem is inthe difficulty ofthe arabisation and the translation ofthis terminology. Finally, the third view puts an emphasis on the necessity of using all the linguistic means of
the arabic language in order to capture all this new terminology.
Besides, the article evokes the great efforts displayed by the different academies
and specialised institutions, which are interested in the scientific terminology.

Article Details

How to Cite
Belaid, S. (2003). The problem of the scientific term in its placement or use. AL-Lisaniyyat, 8(1), 71-94.

