Towards a Fault-Tolerant Morphosyntactic Analysis System for the Arabic Language

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Nacéra Taibi


As part of the framework of arabic automatic processing, this paper describes a system
of a morpho-syntactic analysis that allows errors for a database interface. The formalism of
this arabic language is based on concepts ofthe neo-khalilian linguistic model. This latter
allows to conceive a derivational morpho-lexical analysis and syntactic analysis both based on structures known as generating schemes. This system contains two error correctors:
one for the lexical errors, this one is based on an approach that uses unallowed phonological combinations ofarabic and a variant of inversement technics; the other corrector is
used to resolve some agreement errors thanks to the augmented transitions network ATN
which is a tool to implement the formalism used in syntax.

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How to Cite
Taibi, N. (2003). Towards a Fault-Tolerant Morphosyntactic Analysis System for the Arabic Language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 8(1), 35-50.


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