Resonant Modeling of Coarticulation of Sound Occlusive Consonants

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In speech, sounds are linked to each other and their limits are fuzzy : the speech results of the continuous movement of the vocal apparatus and not from discrete positions. Among the problems found in the domain of Automatic Speech Processing, thereis the difficulties related to the omnipresent variability in continuous speech. This latter result from the fact that the articulation is in constant evolution and depends even on the context in which the sound is pronounced. The notion that the same sound can be caracterized by a set of different formants is important.
The exploitation of a model consists to test, compare and interpret variations of features due to variations of command parameters. For this objective, a corpus of units [V1CV2] ([V1] = [a, i, u], [V2] = 10 oral vowels and [C] = [b, d, g]) has been recorded in order to study the coarticulation modelling. We will infer consonantic targets in terms of resonances on the basis of the adjacent vocalic targets as anchorage points of a follow-up of affiliation.

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How to Cite
GUERTI, M. (2009). Resonant Modeling of Coarticulation of Sound Occlusive Consonants. AL-Lisaniyyat, 14(2), 7-24.


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