Forms of evaluating rhetoric activity in the secondary stage

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Rachida Ait Abdeslam


Teaching the Arabic language in Algeria is undergoing a fundamental transformation in terms of its methods and contents, in line with developments in modern education. The curricula have also adopted pedagogical choices represented in: • The competency approach • The textual approach • Inclusion pedagogy (represented in project pedagogy and problem solving). The goals of language teaching are closely related. With the goals of rhetoric, as the most important goal today in language teaching is for the learner to control its use and employment in all areas of his life: scientific and creative alike. The rhetorical study represents part of the analysis of the text, as it reveals the methods used by the writer to express his ideas (methods, images, linguistic tools, construction...), and gives the student the keys necessary to understand these dimensions.

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How to Cite
Ait Abdeslam, R. (2010). Forms of evaluating rhetoric activity in the secondary stage. AL-Lisaniyyat, 16(1), 65-75.

