Productivity of some morphological forms in modern Arabic dictionaries

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Nabila Abbas


Grammatical patterns play an important role in expressing infinite
concepts. The Arabic grammatical system, represented by the patterns, has
tendency to incur modifications. It includes some patterns that are employed
with more efficiency and others that disappear from the usage or change their
meaning. In order to determine the extent of vitality of some patterns by
focusing on their volume of productivity, we have based our study on some
modern Arabic language dictionaries, monolingual or bilingual, to identify
these changes as regards the scientific terminological aspect, since their
mission consists in facilitating the scientific discourse for non-scientists.

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How to Cite
Abbas, N. (2012). Productivity of some morphological forms in modern Arabic dictionaries. AL-Lisaniyyat, 18(2), 91-110.


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Mounin, George, 1974. Dictionnaire de linguistique. Paris: PUF.
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see the full text p.108-p.109