The role of the Arabic school dictionary in enriching the learner’s scientific terminological repertoire

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Abdenour Djemiai


The subject of the research focuses on the importance of the Arabic
school dictionary and its role in enriching the scientific terminology
repertoire of the learner, by studying its macrostructure which concerns the
terminological entries it contains, which are derived from various fields
of science and knowledge, as well as the problem of updating the content
of such dictionaries by a number of scientific terms and expressions of
contemporary civilization, so that this content reflects the real uses of the
language of this era.
The research also addresses the microstructure of the dictionary, i.e. the
definitions of terms, and to what extent these definitions have captured the
scientific notions of each defined term, as well as the method used to present
them to the reader, which involves a simplification of the explanation and
an easy presentation of the dictionary article.

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How to Cite
Djemiai, A. (2022). The role of the Arabic school dictionary in enriching the learner’s scientific terminological repertoire . AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 139-176.


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