List of common lexical units in the content of the Arabic language book for the first and second year of primary education

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Mahdia Benaissa


Vocabulary is an important element of language, not only because it is
a key component of language, but also because it is an essential element
of communication, understanding and understanding. The weakness of the
vocabulary output affects and may even go beyond reading, which is one
of the greatest constraints on this aspect and is most responsible for the
lack of understanding.
In this study, we will seek to take stock of the list of lexicographical
units that are common in the Arabic Language Book for the first year and
the second year of Algerian beginnings, based on the texts established
therein, in order to determine the exact meaning of these units, order them
A-by and determine their frequency in their exact meaning. Let’s find out
what their effect is on the language attainment of the learner, and how
appropriate these marvel units are to the abilities of the pupil at this age. In
this paper, we therefore try to answer the following problems: What is the
effect of the common lexicographical units in the Arabic language book
on the language attainment of the learner? How do you enrich his own
linguistic dictionary?

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How to Cite
Benaissa, M. (2022). List of common lexical units in the content of the Arabic language book for the first and second year of primary education. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 177-195.


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