The content and structure of the lexical text in the book Al-Ain

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Taher Mila


This paper aims at detailing the contents of the lexicographic text and
its structure as designed by al-Khalil in his "Kitab al-Ayn". Relying on the
exploration of samples taken from its entries and roots, we have tried to extract
and idenrify the kind of dara (information) conrained within each treated text as
well as the way they are listed. We mean by this last item their structure which
we have labelled the horizontal structure, as opposed to another structure which
highlights the way the articles of each root are listed and which we have labelled
the vertical structure.

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How to Cite
Mila, T. (2014). The content and structure of the lexical text in the book Al-Ain. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 13-30.


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