The position of complex terminological units in the lexical text: a sample of modern Arabic dictionaries

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Djaouida Maaboud


This communication deals with the structure of the lexicographic text,
focusing on the compound terminological units, taking a sample from the Arab
modern dictionaries.
Our goal is to examine the order of these units and their position in the
lexicographic text : are they going to be put under the first part of the compound
word, the second or the third one ? What is the nature of their structure ? And
what are the means used by these dictionaries ? Aiming at pointing to the field
of use of these units.

Article Details

How to Cite
Maaboud, D. (2014). The position of complex terminological units in the lexical text: a sample of modern Arabic dictionaries. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 133-142.


إحالات فقط
Voir: Raquel Silva, 2004. "Entre langue générale et langue de spécialité : une
question de collocations". Ela. Klincksieck. Numéro 135. p. 351.
Voir : Le petit Robert : dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue
française. Paris. 2001.
Voir : Le petit Larousse. 2001.