The morphological appearance in the definition of the dictionary entry and its effect on the structure of the dictionary text

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Mansour El Chatoui


The morphological aspect in the article dictionary comprises three elements:
(1) lexical category belonging (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and particles); (2)
etymology ; (3) inflectional category (gender and number). These three elements
are the necessary components of typical linguistic definition of dictionary
entries. The morphological aspect is, then, a structural component of the article
dictionary because it is one of che set of information which the lexicographer
gives about the lexical item.
In the present paper, we have studied the presence of this aspect in dictionaries.
We have found that the morphological aspect must appear systematically in
the article dictionary. Generally, elaborating a dictionary requires a theoretical
lexicograpical basis which, itself, requires a theoretical lexicological basis.

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How to Cite
El Chatoui, M. (2014). The morphological appearance in the definition of the dictionary entry and its effect on the structure of the dictionary text. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 523-534.


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