Acoustic analysis of speech of a child with functional dysphonia in the Algerian hospital environment
Main Article Content
The aim of this study is to analyze some indicators to determine the acoustic characteristics of
speech of a child with functional dysphonia, among these indicators: fundamental frequency,
intensity and duration. To achieve the objectives of this study, we followed the comparative
descriptive approach based on a case study, and we studied four 9-12-year-old boys with functional
dysphonia and a healthy case as a reference. We used the PRAAT software to analyze the corpora of
the recorded cases. This will allow us to clarify the quality of the vocal disorder, in order to
demonstrate the importance of acoustic sound analysis to provide accurate and objective data on
the linguistic message, which is absent from the ear of the speech therapist, who is captured by
specific instruments such as the sonagraph, emphasizing their importance in guiding speechlanguage management.
Article Details
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