Code-switching In Facebook Live Sales: A Marketing Strategy In The Algerian Context

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Zahira Belaidouni
Fatma Kherbache


This study explores code-switching in Facebook Live sales in Algeria, assessing its impact as a marketing strategy. By analyzing ten such broadcasts, the study sheds light on the linguistic strategies and code-switching patterns that salespeople adopt. Further depth is added through the examination of viewer feedback and a survey of 47 respondents. The research outcomes identifies three types of code-switching: intersentential, intrasentential, and tag-switching, blending French and Arabic. The findings also reveals that online vendors’ use of code-switching could enhance persuasion, introduce variability, detail products, and reach diverse socioeconomic demographics. French here is used for its prestige, while Algerian Arabic serves to enhance comprehensibility and broaden customer appeal. However, excessive code-switching can alienate those with limited bilingual proficiency. The audience showed a preference for Algerian Arabic with French loanwords, reflecting the inherent bilingualism of social media users and societal diglossia. The study, in general, highlights code-switching’s persuasive impact in digital marketing, and emphasized the importance of considering audience language preferences and proficiency.

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How to Cite
Belaidouni, Z., & Kherbache, F. (2024). Code-switching In Facebook Live Sales: A Marketing Strategy In The Algerian Context. AL-Lisaniyyat, 30(1), 170-188.


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