Reports "anatomy and physiology of the phonatory apparatus" Languages ​​and Culture Collection

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G. Guth


The vast majority of writings relating directly or indirectly to the act of speech and that
often accustomed to seeing the vast majority of them appear at present, come from such an obvious desire to demonstrate originality and novelty that we are quite pleasantly surprised, in fact, to
in seeing once an author escape similar concerns. Very rare are,
been our discipline, the publications where we go back on what has already been said, on well-established knowledge or, rather, on that which appears to be so, Le petit Livre d'YvaN LEBRUN: Anatomy and Physiology of the The Phonatory device is part of this category. Here is a work where, far from going in search of an acre not yet cleared within the vast field of phonetic research, the author, a Phonetician linguist and neuro-physiologist, does not hesitate to return , because he considers it essential, in one of the most fundamental, but also the most worn, sectors of our discipline

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How to Cite
Guth, G. (1971). Reports "anatomy and physiology of the phonatory apparatus" Languages ​​and Culture Collection. AL-Lisaniyyat, 2(1), 73-76.

