Speech Synthesis Report of a Working Session on Electrical Vocal Analog (eva III). Outline of a Method

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G. Guth
D. Burgstahler


The aim of this paper is to introduce to all those interested in speech the parametric syntheziser Eva 3 presently being used at the institute for linguistics and phonetics of the university of Algiers ; this device makes it possible , after more than three centuries of research to arrive at an artificial voice of very high quality.


Although the author is not the first one to present a short history of that research . he does it from a substantially dynamic point of view showing us the evolution of speaking machines from the awaking of scientific thought in the 18th century; this makes it possible to situate the still recent technique of synthesizing, and to appreciate the degree of perfection which has been attained.


The explanation of the method of synthesis occupies the main part of this paper , and is substantially illustrated by additional graphs .At the end of the paper , we find an indicative rather than exhaustive table of the numerous applications of the method. Most of them lead to concrete areas: telecommunication techniques, automation, or the creation of audio phonological material.


The conclusion opens some new prospects on the future , the evolution of synthesis methods in the new c

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How to Cite
Guth, G., & Burgstahler, D. (1971). Speech Synthesis Report of a Working Session on Electrical Vocal Analog (eva III). Outline of a Method. AL-Lisaniyyat, 1(1), 7-62. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v1i1.620


-Straka Georges, Album Phonétique , les presses de l'université de Laval (Québec1965)