Teaching the syntaxie structures of Arabic in the Algerian average teaching schools. Critical analysis

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Khaoula Taleb Ibrahimi


In this paper. we have presented the results of research about teaching
syntaxic struetures of the Arabic language to the average level scholars
of the Algerian schools: this research is based on the acquits of research
in didactics of languages as well as on extensive inquiry on the field.
The choice of our sample has been determined by the opportunity we had
of working in three average teaching secundary schools, owing to the fact
they are located in three quarters of Algiers, and thus represent different
socio-cultural and socio-economical categories. Our problematics has been
articulated on two axes. On the one hand, the linguistic axis owing to
à linguistic and statistical analysis of the taught matter (of the taught
language). For this purpose. a corpus of svntaxic structures and a corpus
of mistakes have been gathered. That analysis leads to a typological classilication of the samples from both corpuses. On the other hand, the
pedagogical axis, by means of a study and observation of the used methods
and their results.
At last, as à conclusion, we have brought to evidence both the positive
and negative aspects of the described situation; we have then suggested
some adequate solutions to that matter of fact with the aim of promoting
scientific teaching of the Arabic language, which would be in better accordance with the real conditions of the country.

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How to Cite
Taleb Ibrahimi, K. (1981). Teaching the syntaxie structures of Arabic in the Algerian average teaching schools. Critical analysis . AL-Lisaniyyat, 5(1), 41-66. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v5i1.679



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