Syntactic and semantic theories in transformational and generative linguistics, an attempt to explore and apply them to Arabic grammar

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Mazin El waer


I have divided the research into several sections that meet and clarify linguistic developments. Thus, I began the first section with the classic theory developed by the American linguist Chomsky in 1957, trying to explain and apply it to the Arabic sentence.

As for the second section, I will address the normative theory developed by Chomsky 1965 and then also apply it to the Arabic sentence. After that, the third section will address the modified normative theory developed by Chomsky and his student Jackendoff 1970 - 1972. In the fourth section, we will address the semantic theory developed by the American linguist Charles Fillmore 1968 - 1971, and then we will return to the modified theory developed by the American linguist Walter Turk in his book: (1978 - 1970) Case. Grammar: Development of the matrix model  aspires

The author of these lines in the fifth section combines the modified standard grammatical theory developed by Chomsky with the semantic theory developed by Waltercoc, in order to reach “a realistic analytical and generative theory for analyzing the Arabic sentence grammatically and semantically and benefiting from it in applied aspects.” In fact, this section and the sections that will follow are the result of an effort. The author of these lines did it at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then at Georgetown University in the United States, through lectures that I had the honor of listening to from the American scholar Noam Chomsky and the American linguistic scholar Walter Gürk.

   The linguistic model that was followed in all sections of the research is a model belonging to Walter Cock. The theory adopted by the research is theoretical



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How to Cite
El waer, M. (1982). Syntactic and semantic theories in transformational and generative linguistics, an attempt to explore and apply them to Arabic grammar. AL-Lisaniyyat, 6(1), 23-65.


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