An Interview with American Linguist Noam Chomsky Department of Linguistics and Philosophy Massachusetts Institute of Technology (French translation)

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Mazin El Waer
Noam Tchomsky


   A linguistic theory, as the Danish linguist Hjelmslev perceived it, is led by an inner necessity to recognize not merely the linguistic system in its schema and in its usage, in its totality and in its individuality, but also man and human society behind language in order to achieve its final goal, i.e., humanity and universality. Although linguistic theory could reach that goal, we still have a dialectical conflict between man and reality.

   It was a great opportunity for me to interview Professor Noam Chomsky and ask him several questions concerning current issues in linguistic theory. Professor Chomsky, one of the world's most eminent modern linguists, Kindly explained a part of the ongoing debate over his controversial theory of language and showed how it relates to the general structure of any adequate theory of language.

   I am very grateful to him for reading through the interview and making a number of valuable corrections and clarifications.

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How to Cite
El Waer, M., & Tchomsky, N. (1982). An Interview with American Linguist Noam Chomsky Department of Linguistics and Philosophy Massachusetts Institute of Technology (French translation). AL-Lisaniyyat, 6(1), 81-94.


interview avec Noam Tchomsky